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Apr 18, 20238 min read
Books for April 23rd 2023
Here you can find the books that I am looking forward to find in the bookstores this April 23rd.

Feb 13, 20239 min read
How to say "I love you" with a book
This is a master class on how to tell someone "I love you" through 300 or so pages because you don't have the courage to say 3 words.

Dec 12, 20205 min read
5 reads for a cozy winter
Winter is almost here, and I'd like to share with you some books that make me get into that cozy winter-ish feeling.

Oct 26, 20205 min read
5 books to read in Spooktober
It's almost November, but the spooky season can last as much as you want, so here are some books that will give you chills and goosebumps!

Aug 27, 20205 min read
Celebrating my name day: 5 authors called Monica
Today is August 27th, the Christian feast of Saint Monica, so I've decided to dedicate this day to some authors called Monica.

May 16, 20206 min read
Readings for a summer in quarantine
This year’s summer is coming and it looks like we won’t be able to travel much, here are some books to travel without moving from home.
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