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Jun 18, 20203 min read
ARC Review: Pigeon, by Richard Natale
★★★★★ Synopsis: Yancy Gallagher, a young American artist is invited to be a lecturer at the Italian university where he got his degree....

Jun 1, 20202 min read
ARC Review: Girl with Three Eyes, by Priya Ardis
★★★★☆ “You will feel little in life. Somedays you will feel small. But it will pass. Be brave. Be strong. Be my sunshine.” I started...

May 20, 20203 min read
ARC Review: This Side of Tomorrow, by Sally White
★★★☆☆½ Synopsis: Life isn’t fair…and neither is death. When seventeen-year-old Nebraskan, Rachel Sutton moves into her new home in Maine,...

May 6, 20202 min read
Review: Building Storms, by Júlia Freitas
★★★★★ "Be a storm on ignorance and electrocute them with knowledge." I thought that my dear friend Júlia Freitas deserved a full post on...

Apr 16, 20201 min read
Review: Wild Bird, by Wendelin Van Draanen
★★★★★ For me it's more difficult to review a book I've really loved than one that I haven't liked at all, because it's like having to...

Apr 12, 20203 min read
Review: The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt
★★★★★ Museum galleries with low light. The smell of ink on paper. Old restored furniture. The taste of single vodka. An empty apartment....

Mar 29, 20202 min read
Review: Feministis Don't Wear Pink and Other Lies, curated by Scarlett Curtis
★★★★★ What is Feminism for you? 52 women write about what Feminism is for them, what it means to be a feminist, how they found out that...

Sep 26, 20192 min read
Review: Five Feet Apart, by Rachael Lippincott
★★★★☆ "Everyone in this world is breathing borrowed air." ― Will Newman I don’t really know how to start reviewing this book, it’s pretty...

Sep 10, 20192 min read
Review: Sky in the Deep, by Adrienne Young
★★★★☆½ “And that was the way of it. Things belonging where they didn’t. Like two night skies on a frozen lake. One looking down from...
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