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Aug 27, 20205 min read
Celebrating my name day: 5 authors called Monica
Today is August 27th, the Christian feast of Saint Monica, so I've decided to dedicate this day to some authors called Monica.

Aug 11, 20202 min read
ARC Review: Killian’s Dead, by Josie Jaffrey (Seekers #0.5)
★★★☆☆½ Synopsis: Love is for losers. Jack doesn't care about anything except music. All she wants to do is find a decent gig, stand by...

Aug 11, 20204 min read
ARC Review: May Day, by Josie Jaffrey (Seekers #1)
★★★★☆ Synopsis: If the murderer you’re tracking is a vampire, then you want a vampire detective. Just maybe not this one. It’s not that...

Jul 31, 20202 min read
Wrap up: July, 2020
Books: 6 Pages: 1,948 This is crazy! Have I read 6 books in one single month? Yes, I have! I'd have never imagined I could read that much...

Jul 15, 20203 min read
ARC Review: Magic, by Mike Russell
★★★☆☆ Synopsis: Does magic exist? Charlie Watson thinks it does and he wants to tell you all about it. Before he was famous, Charlie...

Jul 6, 20202 min read
ARC Review: The King's 100, by Karin Biggs
★★★☆☆½ How should I start reviewing this book? Maybe by saying that I was expecting a YA fantasy novel but it's turned out to be a YA...

Jun 29, 20201 min read
Wrap Up: May and June, 2020
Books: 5 Pages: 1,204 Oh look, I’ve read another book from the list of My Classics! What means that I’ve already read 4 out of 100, so...

Jun 28, 20204 min read
Review: Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley
★★★★☆½ “Thus far I have gone, tracing a secure way over the pathless seas: the very stars themselves being witnesses and testimonies of...

Jun 22, 20203 min read
ARC Review: Dakota and the American Dream, by Sameer Garach
★★☆☆☆ Synopsis: When ten-year-old Dakota becomes bored sitting next to his mother on a park bench, he drifts off and falls into a dream...
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